Myth #5: Covid-19 isn’t transmitted by aerosols, only droplets. It took more than a year of research, surveillance, and health communications for us to collectively grasp that SARS-CoV-2 is an airborne virus
Busting 12 Covid-19 Myths That Could Kill. We have underestimated the force that is SARS-CoV-2 and its impact on global society since the beginning.
The Attabad Lake Created By a Disaster 1. The stunning blue colors of the beautiful lake, nestled among the peaks of the Karakoram mountain range in northern Pakistan, belies its violent origin.
In fact, while red wine may be the healthiest drink option, it’s healthier to abstain entirely, says author of the study looking at wine consumption and gut health, Caroline Le Roy, research associate at the Department of Twins Research at Kings College London.
Can drinking red wine ever be good for us? (IV)
Can drinking red wine ever be good for us? (III)
In one 2019 study, researchers took a different approach to determine whether moderate alcohol intake really is linked to lower risk of heart disease.
We’ve been led to believe that an occasional glass of wine might be better than abstaining from alcohol altogether, but that might not be the case.
Đọc là cách tốt nhất để thư giãn và thậm chí sáu phút có thể đủ để giảm mức độ căng thẳng hơn hai phần ba, theo nghiên cứu mới…
Peter Navarro says US will take strong action against China if it devalues yuan to ‘neutralize tariffs’ - Peter Navarro cho biết Mỹ sẽ hành động đáp trả mạnh mẽ nếu Trung Quốc hạ giá đồng nhân dân tệ để vô hiệu hóa thuế quan của Mỹ.
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